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To be a great leader, play with the fish


This post is part of LIFT's 7 part #ConnectionKindness series 
For Tip #1, click
 here | For Tip #2, click here | For Tip #3, click here
For Tip #4, click here For Tip #5, click here For Tip #6, click here

Tip 7: Part 2

Welcome back to the second part of #ConnectionKindness Tip 7.

As I mentioned in Part 1, this tip is delivering you a two-for-one bargain because, for me, “being mindful” is about:

Slowing down


Keeping light 

We’ve already delved into the slowing down piece. Now we’re going to explore the other element: the mindfulness to take a break and be playful.

[Image: Thanks Pineapple Supply Co. via Unsplash]

I acknowledge that “playful” might sound wrong. But trust me: it’s true that you can (and must) do both.

Here’s why.

When we focus only on our never-ending To Do list or what the hundreds (thousands?) of media headlines are shouting, we don’t stop to play. We lose a vital moment that our minds, bodies and souls, NEED to refuel.

Now is a great time to introduce (or reintroduce) you to the FISH Philosophy, the internationally bestselling team development concept by Stephen Lundin.

It’s a model that originated in the US and LIFT facilitated its WA introduction back in 2006 — we’ve used it with hundreds of teams across private and public industries since. And can you guess what one of the four practices of the philosophy is? Yes, that’s right: play.

LIFT loves it — it’s simple and it works!

(To read more, see the Resources list at the end of this post).

So, please take a moment each day to find a joke that makes you laugh, or a video that’s joyful, or just a fun way to connect.

Celebrate what’s going well. Reflect on the crazy/funny things that’ve happened, that you’ve seen, heard of, or wondered about in this C-19 enviro. Whether it’s online or in-person, it doesn’t matter when or how you do it. What matters is that we do (play, that is!)

Still need convincing or more inspiration? Learn from kids and dogs in iso: camping in front yards; drawing rainbows on driveways; building cubby houses. Or the dogs racing around the park; lying in the sunshine, watching the birds —or in my case, Douglas the Beagle watching my lunch! 

They’re in the moment (mindfulness!) and regardless of how the world has changed, they’re happy playing, making the most of whatever space they’re in. And we can prioritise moments at work to do the same.

One way in which we Aussies play is through seeing the lighter side of really tough times. It’s a skill that gives us an advantage to accept and grieve over what we once had that’s now gone, and how we’re coping (or not), through laughter. A lighter, playful, view can help us through this time together.

Yes, our work is serious. This time in our environment is serious. But we don’t have to be super serious about ourselves. A little playful break is a great way to refuel so you and your team can release stressful energy and boost positive energy to keep going.

I’ve been using quick fun icebreakers at the start of Zoom/Webex/Teams meetings or curious questions (eg: What was your first job or your worst job? What are you grateful for since waking up this morning? Check out this photo (then I screenshare a picture of a photo/artwork/quirky item)… what do you see in it?)

These are great for teams under 14 people as you can give each person 1 minute to talk and it’s really worth that 14 minutes to build connection – it’s the gateway to trust!

Or just get together and do something purely fun. Here’s an idea a colleague shared with me: a 30 minute sesh to get you out of your head and dance like no one’s watching (cos actually… NO ONE is watching!) called #ShutupanddanceNZ on Instagram @ 1.00 pm Perth time. It’s thirty minutes of unparalleled music and movement fun…I dare you 😊

We are not robots, we need to take cuppa breaks ☕; we need to have a balance of quiet alone time and together time — especially now. We need to switch off, relax and get out of our heads!

And maybe we need to laugh or sing or dance — go a little playfully crazy — to release the pressures of our busy mind doing all that thinking and doing… to just let our heart, body and soul have some attention.

Here’s a few mindful and playful resources I want to share with you:

Please share any other tips/resources that you have on this topic with me and I’ll re-share with other LIFT leaders.

Teams that play together, stay together.


PS: Remember to join our FREE Courage Creators Community on Facebook where we'll be starting our new uplifting weekly review of two bestselling “old” classics that are super-relevant to you and our courage to lead at work and at home in our “new” world right now! These two books are, by far, the most influential that I’ve recommend to senior leaders in coaching sessions:  Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers written in 1987 and spookily relevant for today, and Brenē Brown’s Rising Strong (this is the less famous of her books but… I’d say holds the key to crisis resilience, mindset, story rewriting and more)

PPS: If you’re a leader feeling tired, overwhelmed, and a little confused on your purpose in this new world, reach out for a super-fast battery recharge of clarity, calm and courage, in a 30 minute online session (read: very little downtime, massive ROI 💪), sign up for Connection Wellness Coaching. Don’t lead alone; find out more here.


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