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The unicorn is back 🦄

 How're you going?

Last October, I published a One Question exercise. After this article, I heard from leaders working in many different industries, from C Suite to frontline managers, all sharing a common theme with me: “The Covid crisis, our state of high alert, has passed and now I’m realising how exhausted I am. Keeping the team together, our organisation in constant adaption mode, and…me!  I sooo need to slow down but my diary seems to still be in overdrive. Your permission to stay in bed and generally take a moment – is timely for me.”

So, eight months later, how are you going now?  How are you doing? Stopping, looking after YOU first, trusting yourself to know you’ve done enough? And to rest?

If this is all sounding weird or foreign to you, take ten minutes to check out my October 2022 article and find out how to create one simple habit that looks after you every day.

Hint: It’s talking about boundaries… and how live and lead at your best by staying in bed! 😆
(What’s not to love about that?)

Back now to June 2023. Today, I’ve got a really quick — and exciting offer — that keeps building healthy boundaries for you.

I’m officially launching my new online mini-course, (Re)Building Trust 🎉

You may recall a session that I hosted back in early 2021 called Trust is not a Unicorn.

That kicked off a whole series in 2022 about building and rebuilding the trust that was needed (and in some cases we lost in ourselves, in others, at work, and in community) after the pandemic. “Transactional leadership and team functions” that we focused on to create certainty amongst the constant change of working: at home, in the office, back at home, then a mix of both, or none, and so on.

Over the next few months, through my series of videos, we went through Dr Brené Brown's BRAVING Anatomy of Trust Framework to demonstrate the seven key skills, and how to apply them practically in your workplace and at home, too.

For me, Trust is the defining leadership skill, in crisis or not. But it’s not like some magical creature (ie: a unicorn).

It’s built…in many, many moments.

It’s learnable. Repeatable. Practise-able!

And when you consistently apply the seven elements of Trust, you start to be recognised as a trusted leader who is building trusting teams.

So, after the series was finished, I had many requests from LIFT clients to package all of our practical key learning points from this, into a mini course, along with some extra LIFT resource and activity sheets — making it easy to share this learning with your teams and your colleagues.

It seems like the right time is NOW to stop and re-focus on trust post-pandemic. To review what we all need from each other. To rebuild trust by reconnecting as human beings, not operational “to do lists”. To move out of survival mode and back to thriving.

To replace the uncertainty, we had to navigate with some expectations that allowed us all to feel supported, connected and trusted, to lead teams and work in teams at our best.

Now, more than ever, trust is a defining leadership skill essential for creating a clear new direction that re-engages teams in purpose, beyond day-to-day operations.

So, reinvest in your ability to build trust in yourself and in colleagues, team members, managers and your loved ones by checking out the essential “how to” learning in LIFT’s new (Re)building Trust complete online course, available today!


Here's what you get:

📼 2 x introduction videos

📼 10 x ~15-20 minute skills video lessons

💬 11 x explanatory comments

📄 10 x resource sheets with practical exercises, tools and tips to transfer to your workplace immediately


What did our online course pilot group have to say?


“Life changing fundamentals that work.”

Director, Transport


“This is such important content. I recommend you do it with a colleague or friend so you can debrief and absorb. I mean, you’re going to want to talk about this!”

Team Leader, Mental Health

 *(Re)Building Trust Buddy, totally optional but recommended!


(Re)building Trust is available NOW — with a special launch discount (50% off) — so get in QUICK!

This is an easy and quick mini professional development course you can purchase before the end of the financial year and undertake later.

PS: Interested in other Professional Development with LIFT?

Check out LIFT’s The Sweet Spot – Insightful Individual Profiling, also now available at EOFY special pricing until 30 June 2023.


50% Complete

Two Step

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