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Finding the sweet spot 🍫

Around about this time last year, I filled you in on how the last few months had been for me (post pandemic etc).

I’d been sick. Really sick. Depleted. Spent. All that.

During recovery, which was s-l-o-w, I realised a few things:

  1. I had some rather unbalanced expectations of myself.
  2. Despite all I know about building successful sustainable (healthy) leadership practices, I was not following my own coaching tips and tools!

This wasn’t the time to “toughen up and do more”, rather I needed to slow down and listen. To myself. To my heart. And to do less! I knew I needed to find the magical sweet spot between performance and wellbeing, that would work for me, so I could get back to the work, and life, that I love.

As an experienced coach, two key questions quickly surfaced:

  1. What do I really want?
  2. How do I want my life, and me, to be in the process of getting it?

And (the big one): how on earth do I figure these out??

Within the LIFT Collective, there’s an abundance of accreditations, expertise and (most importantly!) experience. Talk about hiding in plain sight 🤦‍♀️.

So, working with the Collective’s Kath Clews, I underwent my own PRINT® profiling to stop, and for the first time in a few years, review me!  I identified my unconscious motivators that I have for everything I do, at work, and at home, and really look at what I’m like — how I feel and how I act — when I’m doing life on my terms.

And when I’m not… what does my “shadow” side look like? That’s the side that shows up when conditions aren’t right for me. Those times just before you KNOW you are not at your best.

I like to think of it as a personal early warning system for when things are “off” for me; the metaphorical dashboard light… that I’d just keep ignoring.

These insights gave me way more awareness about when I exhibit certain behaviours and feel a certain way, I know I’ve moved away from my best self/flow. Meaning: if I’ve gone from creative and adaptable to (too) self-reliant, stubborn and abrupt, that dash light’s definitely ON – flashing at me to take notice! I need to revisit my environment and what I was working on, and consider making some changes to bring me back to my Best Self.

I also reviewed my BELBIN®  profile. After all, I’ve completed thousands of profiles over LIFT’s 20+ years, with truly amazing results, so yes, I totally understand the potential. But I hadn’t reviewed mine since 2010.

Reviewing my natural roles and strengths in a team (a team that has tripled since my last profile) means I can confidently seek out the style of tasks I’m better suited to (and leave other team members in our Collective to take up the tasks that are their strengths), increasing group agility and collaboration and team success. Knowing your BELBIN® team role strengths (and weaknesses) builds trust in yourself and confidence in your role on how best to tackle your to do list.

So, combining my new PRINT® Best Self insights with my renewed BELBIN® preferred team roles and strengths profile, I created a clearer, calmer, more confident direction for me and LIFT. And that will help increase your adaptability to change and your overall wellbeing.

Which brings me to this year. Specifically, end of financial year (EOFY).

And to you…

If you’re a leader looking to lift the energy focus and performance in your team, and in yourself, (AKA finding your sweet spot), your best move is building self-knowledge and team-knowledge by tactically combining PRINT® and BELBIN® profiling (AND have fun doing it!)

To make your decision super easy, LIFT is offering The Sweet Spot 🍫, a limited time, deliciously discounted EOFY set of two transformative self-awareness super-charged profiles with BONUS (yes, free!) additional reports to transfer your insights and results from learning to everyday practice.

If you’ve got an intention to refuel and redevelop yourself and/or your team but you just can’t get to it right now, don’t worry: you can secure this discounted offer, along with all the LIFT profiling insights by buying now (before EOFY) and “starting your sweet spot discovery” during 23/24 (T’s & C’s apply).

What you get with The Sweet Spot:



You as an Individual
(Your Personal Early Warning System to ensure performance at your best!)


PRINT® Profile

+ 90 minute Debrief

+ FREE bonus report: “Your Preferred Communication Strategies” ($150 value)


You in a Team

(Your Team Contribution Toolkit)


BELBIN® Profile

+ 90 minute Debrief

+ FREE bonus report: “Your Ideal Work Role: Dos and Don’ts” ($150 value)

TOTAL: $2240 + gst  $1,552 + gst (save 30%)





50% Complete

Two Step

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