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The Limit Does Not Exist (Part II)


Did you watch Part I of my Is Trust Limitless video?

Please pop over here to take a look if you’d like to find out whether setting boundaries limits trust.

The next quandary people often find themselves in with trust is compassion and boundaries.

When sharing this important material with leaders and team members, I often hear the same query, surely the nicest compassionate people have no boundaries and do anything for anyone, whenever it is needed… and that’s why we trust them?

My answer – nope…and this Little LIFT explains why!

Last month, I shared how I’m now delivering our Little LIFT’s in 15 minute “bite-sized” recordings so every month you can more easily stop, learn and lift your Trust Skills whenever you need, for FREE.

Let me know if this format does make it easier for you to access this material when you have bits of free time at work or at home (or driving, or walking, or doing the shopping) and I hope it helps you to consolidate the wisdom of your life that is already within you!

Now, let’s get into my Part II video (at the top of this post) where I’m sharing:

  • Why assertiveness isn’t a bad word and the role it plays in boundary setting
  • Why the most trusted teams are very good at setting boundaries
  • How early values exploration is key to establishing boundaries
  • How boundaries are the non-negotiable first step on the way to creativity and collaboration – and why you can’t get there without them
  • And, perhaps most importantly, how you can be okay (yes, feel good!) with setting boundaries

I hope, after watching this Little LIFT, how you set Boundaries and why it’s sooo vital to trust-building is a lot clearer and maybe it even feels a bit inspiring or at least more comfy for you to do.

And the next stop in our (Re)Building Trust series is Reliability! I can’t wait to share my next Little LIFT topic with you on the importance of Reliability with others and in yourself…coming soon!


Until then,

PS: If you only have ten minutes to listen to this 15 minute video, you might find the Video Speed Controller (in the āš™ Settings) useful to speed me up! It’s a handy gadget that makes me sound like I’ve had about 15 coffees – but I think you’ll still find the key tips still useful, faster! šŸ˜Š

PPS: If working on your boundaries is something you feel could improve your leadership (spoiler: it totally will!) book a 15 minute conversation with me.

PPPS: Looking for a gift for a colleague or friend?  Someone who you know has the potential to be a great leader aka a Trusted Leader? Then may I suggest the gift of fast-tracked learning with one of our LIFT coaching vouchers.


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