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Great leaders know nothing


You’re in a meeting with your team and discussing [insert relevant and pressing problem here ⬅]. When it comes time to talk solutions or even just a couple of actions forward, there’s lengthy silence… and all the eyes seem to be looking at you.


You’re having Team Member X’s annual appraisal, talking about their goals for the next year. “How do I ….” they ask whilst you start to shift uncomfortably.


A somewhat unpredictable crisis has appeared (think: this entire year of 2020!) and everyone, including you, is panicking. And… yes, waiting for you to jump in and save the day with amazing solutions, solutions, solutions.

But, here it is: you don’t have answers. Not even one.

Does this mean your secret fear is true? That you’re not a good leader? Was the decision to put you in this position (gulp) the wrong one?

Before you run from the building — or more likely — ruminate silently and relentlessly, I invite you, as I always do, to: b—r—e—a—t—h—e  🧘🏼‍♀️

Then accept this Little LIFT:

Successful leaders don’t know all the answers. Purposefully.

Say, what?

What if you’re seen as more professional, not less, by NOT knowing all the answers?

In fact, if you knew every answer to every question you’re asked every day, then maybe you’re not leading… maybe you’re managing.

(And you and I know that successful leaders don’t manage, they engage and influence).

To be sure, as a leader, there are times you need to know answers but these times actually occur way LESS often than you may expect. 

This is such an important topic that I’m making it the last one for this year’s live monthly webinar series and YOU’RE invited to come along and enjoy (in fact, be uplifted) by NOT knowing the answers.

If you believe you should know all the answers most or all the time,

If you struggle with being okay not knowing all the answers,

If you don’t know when you need to know the answers and when you don’t,

If you want to know how to deal with these situations,

(Or if you aren’t sure what this question really means… 🤷🏼‍♂️)

Then please join me, Cherelle Witney (LIFT’s founder and one of Australia’s only Dr Brenē Brown Daring Way accredited facilitators) for a FREE 30 minute webinar:

7.30 pm, Tuesday 1 December

**all in PJs welcome!**

Register for the FREE webinar


Being live, you get the opportunity for as much interaction and fun as you want… or not (camera on or off is up to you 😉 and PJs are a definite option). Either way, we guarantee you leave with a range of quick and easy takeaways to apply to your work life and home life, right away.

Regardless of the day (and year!) you’ve had, who doesn’t want to finish feeling uplifted in their confidence, courage, connection and agility? Rebuild your trust in yourself to lead and live at your best.

Take 30 minutes Tuesday night to invest in YOU – it’ll be worth it!



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