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Get out of complicated conflict with a kiss 💋


Did you make it to our FREE live webinar on 20 October?

At around half an hour, I thought it was the perfect amount of time to take in some simple conflict goodness on an evening after work. And with Zoom camera “optional”, I’m pretty sure a few of you were in PJs “below camera”, as advertised!

(For the record: yes, I thought about doing that too 😆).

We had a great time together — I always enjoy live events, how about you? —  and we covered five essential points on how using simple words in conflict is both a courageous and agile strategy to adapt to any conflict.

Many of the questions last night related to the exhausting prolonged conflict that can come with performance issues and some were about our conflict in work teams. Others about conflict at home with partners and teenagers in our family teams!

One of the key takeaways was KISS it!

Keep It Simple and Sensible

If your approach feels complicated, most likely it won’t work. If you’re confused or feel tired by the steps approaching a conflicting conversation, the other person will be too.

We shared LIFT’s 3 step process, M.I.A., and how to apply these three steps to any conflict:

More words

I language, and

Ask questions

Plus, we also shared 4 other tools including our “Four Helpful Horseman” (which you can check out in more detail in our August blog post).

If you’d like to see how “simple words” applied to conflict works, review your learnings from this LIVE webinar, or any other work you’ve already done with LIFT, I’ve made a recording (see video above).

*This video is taken from our highly interactive LIVE webinar which means we’ve removed any specific discussions that identify participants or organisations (to preserve group member confidentiality) and still provide you with LIFT’s core learning, tools and skills from this very popular topic!


Would you like to know more about KISS-ing conflict and taking a refreshed conflict toolkit along to the next level?

How about freeing yourself from constant complicated conflict?

Then get ready to step into the conflict arena and lift your conflict courage skills because starting 2021 without conflict baggage is possible.

Imagine no longer fearing, or feeling bad after, conflict.

Then, check out my brand new, self-paced online course with Dr Samantha Hardy (expert in conflict conversations) where we share our best tips and tools with you.

(Even better, it’s “PJs approved learning”!)

Braving the Conflict Arena

Will it work for you?

YES, it will, if you:

  • Remember that recent conflict situation (you know the one) and it makes you feel annoyed or disappointed with yourself about what you said and how you reacted.
  • Lie awake the night before, the night after (or both!) replaying what you should’ve ….could’ve…wished you’d said.
  • Constantly find yourself sacrificing your own needs to keep others happy (seemed like a good idea at the time, but now you’re not so sure?)
  • Are tired of just feeling less after conflict.
  • Have noticed that every time you move away from a conflict, you feel like you lost your integrity, and a little part of you becomes less confident, courageous and connected.

Life’s too short to keep losing yourself and feeling less in conflict, don’t you think?

Which is why we combined the best of Sam’s 20+ years extensive conflict experience across all sectors with my 20+ years of leadership development, including my training in Brené Brown’s work on vulnerability and courage, into your absolute essential conflict toolkit.

To celebrate the launch of this highly practical online course, we’ve got a launch discount for you. Just enter COURAGE at checkout and you’ll receive $300 off. Register now to get your launch discount and get started whenever you like.

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