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Get it before it’s gone

Waaaaaaay back in February (is it just me or does COVID-time work like dog years in that every month seems to be worth about 3?) I finally wrote, produced, and launched my digital book, The Courage to Create… Connection.

It’s actually the first in the Little Lifts Toolkit Series and I honestly felt so very proud that it was *finally* out in the world and that I was getting to share with everyone, in book format, my top practical strategies for creating connection.

To celebrate, I made it available, for FREE(!) for everyone that came to my inaugural V Squad session or joined my Courage Creators’ Community. But if you haven’t already got your copy, you’ll want to get in quick because after 23 May, it’ll no longer be free.

If connection is energy, and we are creating that energy,
no single connection happens in isolation

It’s 55 pages filled with Learning that’s Interactive, Intuitive, Inspirational, Fun and Transferrable (LIIIFT!) tools AND gorgeous graphics and copy that flows easily off the pages (thanks to the talents of Jodie and Sam).

And because — as I explain in the book — I’ve used these tools in hundreds of leadership development programs and coaching conversations over the past 20 years, I can say with 100% confidence these WORK, immediately.

Of the 50+ in my mental storehouse, the ten which I cover in the book, are my favourites.

Each handpicked Little Lift is a standalone solution with WHAT to do and HOW to do it, explained via simple points so you can flick through the book and choose the Little Lift you’re needing, right at that moment.

Do you like free stuff? I do — when there are no sneaky strings.

This is one of those moments!

Out of the hundreds of leaders that receive this email, only a few will take the time to download this resource. Sounds crazy (right?) …but, it’s true. Be one of the successful leaders who loves learning and sharing learning.

But only until 23 May.

All you need to do is go here, and enter your details to download.

Pre C-19, here I am, facilitating the inaugural V Squad (live) and launching my first Little Lift’s e-book,
The Courage to Create…Connection. It was only in February but it feels like aaaaaaages ago already!



PS: Want to look back at the end of 2020 and feel proud of how quickly you and your team recovered? Yes? Then please, take a PIT-STOP.

A pit-stop?! That’s right, I’m asking you to treat yourself like an expensive gorgeous car. One that’s taken you on the most amazing adrenaline charged adventure with highs and lows. Now you’ve arrived safely and you want to book in for a much needed and deserved wheel balance, re-alignment, refuel and navigation re-check.

You can book that pitstop today, with me, for a limited time, for FREE! To get it, just email me with “Wheel balance” in the subject line, and book in for a free, 15 minute, no obligation, conversation with an accredited leadership coach that specialises in “where to from here” (AKA: me!)

PPS: Go on, download The Courage to Create… Connection ⏰ 📘 ❤


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