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Trust is not a unicorn!

Like any leadership skill, building (and rebuilding) trust isn't just some magical creature
that's either there ...or not.

Trust is actually a leadership competency.
And like any other skill, it requires learning and practise.

If you consistently do it, as repeatable steps,
you'll become a trusted leader building trusting teams.

If I ask you: "What’s important to you
in your work and personal relationships?
at some point, you'll probably say trust.

After all, it’s the building block of all relationships.

Defining trust in words isn’t so easy but you can sense when it’s present and similarly when it's lost or broken.

When we don’t have it, especially in our work relationships we can spend a lot of mental energy in anxiety, frustration and self-doubt.

Hand throwing stone above water

So, how do we go about learning and developing this vital leadership skill 
...to build and (re)build trusting relationships?

Isn't there some kind of step-by-step we can follow to build trust?

Well, just hang on because I've condensed years of practical learning into  something really helpful for you...

Your step-by-step practical guide to (Re)building Trust

Here's your super practical framework, bundled into an efficient package, using Dr Brené Brown's BRAVING Anatomy of Trust, as an ingenious and effective way to demonstrate the elements of building (and rebuilding) trust, and how to practically apply them in your leadership and teamwork.

Practise the skills in this self-paced online mini-course, following the steps and tools in my video lessons and accompanying resource  / activity sheets, and you'll be truly on your way to becoming a trusted leader and building trusting teams around you.


📼 2 x introduction videos

📼 10 x ~15-20 minute skills video lessons

💬 11 x explanatory comments

📄 10 x resource sheets with practical exercises, tools and tips to transfer to your workplace immediately

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Tiny modules. Big content.



Start (Re)building Trust NOW!